The New Year: Embracing Change

Life is Learning

I am reminded of this picture as I begin a new chapter in my life. Many of us are like cats: creatures of habit.

Boxes 2
Boxes 2

We generally like our routines and get a little flustered with changes (especially with big ones). Changes are scary because they mean stepping outside of our “box” where we are comfortable. However, changes are not all bad. Life is learning, and changes help us learn.

I have recently made a decision and it means taking myself out of where I have been comfortable (sent in my resignation letter, first one in my life! and beginning a new job soon.). I am fortunate to be given such an opportunity and to have the choice to take this path. It brings more uncertainty but I think it ultimately leads to what I perceive as my dream.

Eynsford/Shoreham Walk - Walking in Kent
Eynsford/Shoreham Walk – Walking in Kent

Of course, I am uncertain of where this path will lead me (Will it open up more doors? Will it lead to a dead end?). I am certain that the journey will be challenging and I am very excited & nervous. I am learning to embrace and prepare for this change as well as striving to keep positive and be flexible. I won’t know what happens until I start walking. As Ms. Frizzle says, “Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!”

Pluckley Walk - Walking in Kent
Pluckley Walk – Walking in Kent


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